數位設計技法 Fundamental Digital Design
W01. 課程說明及 Maya (1)
W02 進度 Maya (1)
Maya 基礎教學
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1r5Z46lxtTY_9joB-QZX2E0L-7MKJKIXg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117529842339581595104&rtpof=true&sd=trueCreate basic object
1. Create>polygon Primitives>Cylinder (primitives的建立)
2. 物件的10項基本屬性
Translate X/Y/X 位移 X/Y/Z
Rotate X/Y/Z 旋轉 X/Y/Z
Sacle X/Y/Z 大小 X/Y/Z
Visibility 可見性 On/Off or 1/0
3. 視窗內 視角的運動
alt+LMB 旋轉 alt+MMB 移動 alt+RMB 放大/縮小
a 鍵 (all的意思, 表示要看到全部的物件)
4. hotkey: space/ctrl+a/window drag 調整屬性
細部(component). 物件(object). 群組(hierarchy and combination)
模式: 1/2/3/4/5/6
(now/smooth/more smooth/wire/color/texture)
Camera resolution setting/ resolution gate
Polygone/Nurbs/Volume Primitives/Camera/Light/Curve tools
W02 進度--Maya (2)
1. 3D甜甜圈 上面要有學號
2. 存檔為s學號_donout.tiff
W03 進度 -- Maya (3)
存檔為 s學號_dance.tiff
W04 進度 -- Maya (4)
1. 男生坐在辦公椅上 filename: s學號_man_on_officechair.tiff
2. 女生坐在沙發上 filename: s學號_woman_on_sofa.tiff
W05進度 -- Premiere 基本教學(1)
Premiere basic 1. projects seting 2. footage put to files 3. open premiere 4. open new project 5. import movie (RMB/drag) 6. new sequence and source check 7. channel arrangement: video cutting 8. time code: hh:mm:ss:ff 24 fps frame per second for animation/ movie 29.97 fps (NTSC) 25 fps 30 fps PAL 9. video and sound unlink 10. video cut and razor tool 11. same channel: add video default transition /set/ clear 12. two channels: add video default transition /set/ clear 13. effects>video transitions>choose one and drag to the place to put effect 14. effect setting 15. add text 1. using text tool 2. using open caption 16. import music 17. save file 18. file output to movie: export or Quene
1 Using Provided footages make a movie using class teach skills 30 seconds 800x600 mp4 with school number in the beginning filename: s1234556_first_premiere.mp4
W06進度--Premiere 基本教學(2)
Main points 1. Media Enocder to make movie to have a standard spec. (Mp4 24 fps) 2. Import Mp4 files to Preimere 3. Make a new sequecne and arrange all movie to 1 channel 4. Use Media encoder to make music to standard spec. (Mp3 128bits) 5. Import music 6. Use Bin to arrange footages 7. Change Sequence to 800x600 Pixel ratio 1:1 8. modify all movie to have scale 125% 9. Practice using video transitions between 2 movie and left 4 kinds of video transitions in it 10. Pracetice using video effects 11. import a backgorund picture and import it 12. school number in begin 13. export to mp4
HW 06
1. 1 Using Provided footages
make a movie
using class teach skills (video transition and video effects)
near 27 seconds
with school number in the beginning
filename: s1234556_first_premiere.mp4
2. Please use you mobile or camera
Make a plan to shot a movie when you have a vacation
3-5 minutes
Topic : 3 chose 1
1. Your Vacation
2. Your Family
3. Your Pets
using Media Encoder to let it near 800x600 pixel ratio 1:1 24 fps
with school number in the beginning
filename: s123456_my_vacation.mp4
W07進度Premiere 基本教學(3)
W07 Animation: Ryan, The Birds Main points 1. Using Media Enocer to adjust footage to approicated ratio (mp4 and jpg) 2. set Project 3. Add new sequence and adjust sequence setting to 800x600 1:1 24fps 4. use keying effects: color key and ultra key to key backgroung 5. make dinasour to run without foot sliding 6. Make a tree to let diansour to run behind that tree
Note : 下周帶耳機麥克風 要上聲音課 1. Using class footage get a 10 sec dinasour runing aimation that can not have foot silding and run behind a tree with school number in front of movie 800x600 Mp4 file name: s12344556_greenscreen_dinasour_runing.mp4 2. Using class fooratge To make a Darling MTV Use Captions>Open Caption to have the texts of Darling song Use Photoshop or Illsutrator design pictures to design the the movie In the movie , it should have 5 more Photoshop or Illsutrator design pictures with school number in front of movie 720x480 mp4 file name: s12344556_darling_MTV.mp4
W08進度 Audition 基本教學
Note: 耳麥要接到電腦後面的音訊孔 1. open audition software 2. audition projects setting 3. import files: two way--import or drag 4. level up or down db 5. cut or crop 6. save audio --> mp3 7. generate oral by effect-->generate-->speech 8. male /female oral switch 9. oral pitch/time change 10. Using computer input to capture sound 11. using microphone to cpature sound 12. New Multitrack and export
Mid_term Report 將W01-W08 (800x600) 所有的作業放到影片中 前面畫面要有些設計 並加上學號姓名 每個作業都要加註說明 加上音樂或口白 請盡力設計相關的美工 如文字/音樂/圖片等 呈現完美的作品集(demo reel) 規格 : 1280*720 24p H.264 mp4 不得超過30MB 檔名: s學號_demoreel_midterm.mp4
W09進度 -- 期中考
期中考:按點名學號前到後 上台報告
規格 HD 720 (1280*720), H.264
片尾留下 10 secs 姓名及聯絡資訊 (如Email)
片名 自由設定 (作品集等)
每張單張圖 有3秒鐘 旁邊有說明
W10 After Effect 基礎(1)
After Effects 基本操作
1. using class footage to make a AE projects product a movie that has a. Backgorund b. a Photoshop c. solid layer d. text layer e. background add a effect-- generate>lens flare e school number Using Media encoder to export a mp4 file 800x600 file name: s123456_ae_first.mp4 2. Using Class footage to make a movie display in a monitor school number in the first Using Media encoder to export a mp4 file 800x600 file name: s123456_ae_monitor.mp4
W11 After Effect 基礎(1)
homework 0512
1. 800x600 24fps
H.264 Mp4
仿作 basic.wmv 檔案
file name: s12344556_姓名_basic.mp4
2. 800x600 24fps
H.264 Mp4
using monitor.jpg and wiindmill.wmv
using mask skill and basic 3d effect
file name: s12344556_姓名_window.mp4
3. 800x600 24fps
H.264 Mp4
using scene01.jpg scene02.jpg window.jpg
using mask skill
create 2 special effects movies
one is raining , the other is snowing
file name: s12344556_姓名_raining.mp4
4. 800x600 24fps
H.264 Mp4
using textBG-1.jpg textBG-2.jpg textBG-3.jpg
using text animation skills
create 3 text animation movies
file name: s12344556_姓名_textanim_001.mp4
W12 After Effect 基礎(1)
W12 homework 1. using class footage make a animation that coffee animation 800x600 mp4 5secnds filename: s11234556_coffee.mp4 2. using class footage make a animation that keying animation 800x600 mp4 5secnds filename: s11234556_keying.mp4 3. using class footage make a animation that using backgroud effect and raining text 800x600 mp4 5secnds filename: s11234556_textraining.mp4
W13 Animate 基礎(1)
Animate 基本工具介紹(1) 1. 開啟檔案: 設定畫布大小: 如800x600 FPS(每秒劃格數): 24 (動畫師慣例) 2. 工具介紹: a. 矩形工具 b. 選取工具/細部選取工具 c. 油漆桶/墨水瓶: 填色/畫框 d. 基本矩形工具 + 打散 e. 橢圓工具+基本橢圓工具: f. 多邊形工具 g. 線段+傳統筆刷 h. 顏色+漸層變形工具: 純色. 線性漸層. 放射性漸層
HW13 1. Using Class footage Create a color apple add school in picture export to be a jpg 800x600 file name : s12344556_colorapple.fla s13456788_colorapple.jpg 2. Using Class footage Refer mudbubble_dog.fla from a hand-draw to make a flash cg character like woman.jpg or man.jpg 800x600 file name: s12345566_cg_design.fla s12345566_cg_design.jpg
W14 Animate 基礎(2)
1. 構想簡單的動畫故事, 以"起承轉合"為架構,
起: 小明考上中科大多媒系, 想說來學校看看
承: 他約了明早9點跟女友一起前來,並說一起逛一中街, 小明想著明天的情境, 高興地晚上睡不著
轉: 隔天早上小明竟然睡過頭, 女友一直電話call他都不回應, 氣得她就留言罵他
合: 小明一起床, 睜眼一下看到訊息, 嚇得起床, 想說這下完蛋的, 還好看看時鐘, 只有8點, 剛才是作夢
趕快收集一下, 衝過去與女友會合, 有著快樂的一天
角色: 小明 , 女友
請使用Animate設計這兩個角色 800x600 圖片中有學號
下周要練習讓這兩個角色走路 , 因此請用側視角度
filename: s13456678_主角1_側視.jpg
2. 請構想一個簡單的動畫故事以"起承轉合"為架構,
其中至少有一個主角 這主角下周是作業
檔名: s13456778_story001.pdf
W15 Animate 基礎(3)
1. open grotto.fla 練習將畫格1的轉成元件-->取名為Grotto 將Grotto 拉到新圖層 點選Grotto 將他打散到各圖層/新增畫格/ 練習作動態 若是Grotto有不同的動作, 可先複製該元件 2. 練習點矩陣圖的貼圖 下載Seamless texture 練習貼圖及變形控制 3. 練習多圖層 Homework 15 1. refer flower.fla 仿作出勳章菊_Gazania 800x600 school number in the picture filename: s13455667_gazania.fla s13455667_gazania.jpg
W16 Aniamte 基礎(4)
HW16 1. Refer walkcycel.fla and walk-cylce.jpg and rw_walkcycle_lower1.jpg Use your design character to walk cycle 5 seconds export to movie swf school number and character name on it filename: s1234567_character_walkcycle.swf
W17 Animate 基礎(5)
貼圖練習與單色填色 不限所提供的貼圖 參考simplehouse.gif 做出一張800x600的房屋圖 having school number in obvious size in fornt filename: s1234566_sumplehouse.jpg
W18 期末考
請參考google資料夾中 學長姐參考作品
按點名學號後到前 上台報告
規格 HD 720 (1280*720), H.264
片尾留下 10 secs 姓名及聯絡資訊 (如Email)
片名 自由設定 (作品集等)
每張單張圖 有3秒鐘 旁邊有說明